Dinos' demise spurred rise of the mammals, new fossil suggests, Yahoo!
This fossil suggests that Polycotylus was viviparous, giving live birth (as opposed to laying eggs).
Discovered in France and in Germany, these fossils suggest that the family was once far more widespread than it is today.
Molecular clock and fossil dating suggest platypuses split from echidnas around 19-48 million years ago.
The fossils suggest that it was an arboreal/terrestrial carnivore, which possibly hunted in packs.
Scientists had long thought that this period must have produced warmer temperatures, and the fossil find suggests that they are right.
But the new fossil suggests this creature was just another feathery dinosaur and not the significant link that palaeontologists had believed.
This can not be done due to the fact that the predecessors are no longer living to positively verify what the fossils suggest.
The new fossils further suggest that absence of tool behavior was not responsible for the demise of the 'robust' lineage.
Rare fossil remains from over 300 million years ago strongly suggest that today's lampreys have changed little over this time.