The library system is the only public institution that fosters both high-level scholarship and basic literacy.
These programs foster literacy and writing while also giving children a chance to do hands-on activities such as arts and crafts and gardening.
Senior Department of Education officials acknowledge the institutes play an important role in fostering greater literacy in Asian languages, they admit to concerns about China's influence over the program's content.
He continued working on this idea and eventually launched writing worships in community centers, "attempting to foster literacy, empathy, listening skills, insight, respect, and resolution of conflict."
"Many families today are living paycheck-to-paycheck with no financial cushion in case of emergencies," said Ball during his testimony before the General Assembly to foster financial literacy in the state.
I was determined to foster literacy in our public schools, and I became a reading specialist.
ArtReach makes a special effort to foster visual literacy, critical thinking skills and creative expression among its participants, while encouraging them to develop meaningful connections between art and their lives.
In addition to her research, she is devoted to teaching and to fostering scientific literacy.
New York Reads Together: This is the first city-wide book discussion project to foster literacy.
All of the puzzles center on a lively and contemporary themes familiar to kids and intriguing to parents with an eye toward fostering both family interaction and literacy.