That would hinder the state's ability to cover its budget and fosters resentment between the professions.
In the years since, the so-called B-scale has fostered considerable resentment among the lower-paid pilots, and union leaders are now trying to close the gap quickly.
But even if the extended clan fosters resentment in Afghanistan, the family also helps fortify a fragile presidency.
These close quarters fostered community as well as resentment.
During the campaign, the Republicans tried to foster resentment against the meritocracy.
Often over the years Chelsea had wished she hadn't, for it had only fostered resentment among the clan.
She and her husband were concerned that keeping Jake home would foster resentment.
This success fostered resentment among opponent schools, which questioned the Academy's tactics for recruiting players.
Critics noted that the refugees had become a special interest group that fostered resentment.
In contrast to United, American has refrained from asking employees for concessions out of fear that it would foster resentment and hurt customer service.