They found a force of Guelphs awaiting them at the fields of Pieve al Toppo, in Tuscany.
The force reached the Bulganak River that day, where skirmishers found a force of Cossacks and Russian infantry, with a light battery of artillery.
The tick readjusted to his weight, and she found a new force threatening to roll her in his direction.
They had come into a small, wide chamber and found a force of kobolds many times their own number.
Upon entering the village, the Confederates found a force of about 100 or so Federals.
As the 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry, moved into the forest it found a communist force in well-prepared positions.
In fact their old bands toured together, but when things slowed down they found a new force with each other, like a five fingers in a fist of punk-infused fury.
They put a small boat to explore near the beach, but found a force of some 120 natives, armed with shields, assegais and bows marching towards them.
He found a force of 47 gazetted officers, 200 inspectors and 1,720 African police in four divisions, manning 32 stations and posts.
On April 20th, Rundle as he advanced found a force with artillery across his path to Dewetsdorp.