In the directory he found a listing for Glenda Kleaver.
"I found a listing for a male singer named Natasha," he said.
After six months, she found a promising listing in the paper.
He found a listing for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and dialed the number.
In one booklet they found a listing on East 50th Street that looked homey.
I slunk off and found a listing for animal trappers in the yellow pages.
He thumbed through the telephone book and found a listing for an Arlene Hanscom.
But then, he found a listing that sounded ideal - a two-bedroom also on East 71st Street, renting for $2,600.
I found a listing for the Church of San Clemente.
She found a listing for a 600-square-foot alcove studio at 100 West 57th Street, asking $240,000.