Other studies found a white majority of 64% to 90% of the Chilean population.
A recent Harris poll found a majority who thought the country had become richer and freer of government restraint in the last 10 years.
And they found a huge majority of Americans nodding their heads.
The university's research team found significant differences between university-educated Palestinians and a majority who did not continue school beyond ninth grade.
The survey found a substantial majority expected growth to continue at about the same 2.1 percent rate throughout 1990.
It was the first time the poll had found a majority for that position.
No poll has found a clear majority for or against General Pinochet.
The petition was dismissed when a recount found a higher majority of 15.
I congratulate the rapporteur on putting together a package which found a large majority across the House.
As yet the Council has not found a sufficient majority to approve it.