In its opinion it listed several landmark cases where the court had previously found a right to privacy implied by the Constitution.
Eight have found a right to privacy that includes reproductive choice within their State Constitutions.
Three state courts in the last few months have found a right to privacy in their own state constitutions to protect homosexual conduct.
Judge Souter refused to even hint how he felt about Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that first found a constitutional right to abortion.
Now, in Cruzan, the Supreme Court has already found a constitutional right in refusing any artificial life support.
There is no case on the horizon, however, that attacks the core holding of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that found a constitutional right to abortion.
He found a little key right away.
Two years ago the High Court nevertheless found a limited right of free political speech in the Constitution.
The Bush administration has found a constitutional right it wants to expand.
He'd found another two warts at the jawline under her left ear, and a seventh right at the fold of her left eye.