After that visit, and another when the doorman told him about other vacancies in the same building, he found a studio for $958 a month.
After that, they found a large and lovely studio for $220,000 in Prospect Heights.
They'd found a small photographic studio in Penny Lane and he'd sent off a nice photo of them both.
But the price was just about right; she found a studio on East 71st Street for $1,100 a month and moved in last fall.
Her staff and students found a new studio for Fort on West 23rd Street where she taught through the summer of 1975.
He founded a studio near Waterloo, where there is still a free permanent exhibition which chronicles the 20th century.
Then he worked as layout artist and founded a studio of audiovisual graphic arts.
Mr. Neal has found a quiet studio for warming up.
Finally, they found a studio near Lincoln Center, where they pay twice as much for a fifth of the space.
He quickly found a studio and continued to make sculpture.