But lots of people found access to what they considered the holy through the saints.
I found easy access to a room on the ground floor.
To the doors of the vault the moon rays found free access.
He's found easy access into their homes, despite the fact that they were married.
Marginalized in politics, they joined with Islamists and found access to foreigners and cash.
If you'd treated me as your sister, not as your heir, would I have found access into their side of the culture?
Even they found access to many important historical sources difficult or impossible.
Many of the new Gulfton residents found limited access to government services such as food stamps and municipal and county health care.
I thought that was extremely doubtful because we couldn't get anywhere near the end-phase until we'd found physical access to Proctor.
Worse, what would happen if a hacker or criminal found access to the system?