Chase found a speaking trumpet amidst the wreckage on the deck.
The remains of his body were found amidst the ashes of the building.
They had found him there, amidst the chemically poisoned rubble, an abandoned orphan.
Schiller found himself amidst a maelstrom of noise and foaming sea.
He found himself amidst a struggling mass of shrieking humanity.
Rex didn't take it in at first, but when he did, a grim smile found its way amidst his damp stubble.
Heart pounding, he jerked awake, and found himself in starry darkness amidst a grove of trees.
A school founded a decade ago amidst the new developing part of Hyderabad.
Each of these four women has found their destiny amidst the brutality that the film reveals.
The bar was crowded but they found a table in the centre, amidst noisy tourists.