The other boys found ribald amusement in the ring-shaped scar at his eye.
The guards at the open doors dozed-all but two, who had found amusement with each other.
I occupied myself with these reflections, and found amusement in them; but it was impossible to lead Harry into a discussion.
Entertainment news columnists found amusement in the name recognition.
She was a happy, good-natured creature; and The Kid had found amusement in talking to her.
"The one in which you found such amusement."
Florence Gardner was the only one who found amusement from her presence at the fort, though she kept it to herself.
It is a spot now lost to me, a thing of the past, but I found much amusement therein days gone by.
She had a curious, receptive mind which found much pleasure and amusement in listening to other folk.
If she found amusement in it, well and good.