However, the Alouettes found a competitive advantage - they put staples in the bottom of their sneakers to get traction on the slippery surface.
They found a substantial advantage from 1997 through 2001, and from 2003 through 2005.
Terrace found a slight though not significant advantage for the left hemifield for these forms in contrast to a right field superiority for words.
Kimura found an advantage for the left field in this task as also when geometric forms were substituted for the dots.
It had been the company's intention to produce kerosene but they found a greater competitive advantage for their lubricants.
The remarkable thing is that we found an electoral advantage to being an extremist.
The Confederates found a local advantage in numbers and pressed their own attack.
"Different," she decided, but found a definite advantage in being able to snuggle close behind Nate, her arms circling his waist.
The drow had found a valuable advantage.
Verdugo, though, had found an advantage.