Somehow, Elend had found an entire army who could burn atium.
And had he found an army?
He had found an army-an army of Sartan!
Once on the ground he found a shaken army conducting a hesitant withdrawal, and in urgent need of delaying tactics to slow the German advance.
In March 1919, the national assembly passed a law founding a 420,000 strong preliminary army as Vorläufige Reichswehr.
Overcoming disbandment in 1979, the group gathered again 10 years later and found a loyal army of fans waiting.
King Heinrich I (916-936) founded a mounted army that developed into a group of knights.
She went to get the pinks and found an army of rats and mice to defend it.
The republic created an administration and justice system, and founded an army.
Attracted by the northerners' signal fires, they'd found Wavewatcher, Skewerskean and an army of allies.