The Movement was founded in 1921 as a successor to the No-Conscription Fellowship.
It was founded in 1974 as a successor to the Federation of Italian Canadian Associations.
Experticity was founded in 2005, as a successor to Video-Mation, which launched in 2001.
It was founded in 1962, as a successor to the previously disbanded Muslim League.
It was founded in 1867 as a successor to the Batticotta Seminary which had been established by American missionaries.
It was founded in 1979 as a successor to the Pahlavi Foundation.
It was founded in 1923 as a successor to the short-lived Society Aid (Samfundshjelpen).
The National Christian Council was founded in 1929 as a successor of the Evangelical Union.
The newspaper was founded in 1984 as a successor to the Fleetwood Chronicle, which had ceased publication several weeks earlier.
The club was founded in 1933 as a successor to a club called Boston.