A comprehensive study last year found huge disparities among immigration judges and their rates of approval for asylum seekers.
Even so, the survey found significant disparities in online access by income and age.
Studies have found racial disparities in death sentencing to be common in other states.
The census found sharp regional disparities in raw spending but made no adjustment for local cost-of-living differences.
The panel found big disparities in N.I.H. spending per person, depending on the disease.
The study, which tallies preschool availability and family income nationwide, found considerable disparities by region and wealth.
The survey found significant disparities in the operations of the polling places from across the city.
The study is the latest in a series of reports over the past decade that have found racial disparities in death-penalty cases.
The report by the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee found widespread disparities in how the states carried out elections.
An investigation by the General Accounting Office has found racial and sexual disparities in employment at the nation's weapons laboratories.