He turned pages until he found drawings that matched the knives in the black leather case.
Now then, in your rucksack we found drawings of our main camp.
But again they found nothing-no drawings, no marks at all on any wall or piece of furniture.
His work involved found objects, textile banners, drawings, assemblage, collage, performance and video.
I found old drawings in the rock mine files.
We looked for and found other drawings scattered around the room, on the floors or walls.
People have found drawings and engravings from ancient Egypt that show hunting dogs with short legs.
We found working drawings that showed that a staircase could be put in.
On another page, she found several drawings of what vampires were supposed to look like.
Wall's mother testified she found drawings of his that looked like plans for a Trivial Pursuit-like game, but the drawings had since been destroyed.