But many said that they too found logical inconsistencies in his account of the diversion and his resignation.
The Report found significant inconsistencies in the handling and processing of detainees.
He found inconsistencies in the theory of evolution.
Not only that, he said, but the firm has also found frequent inconsistencies in the rules auditors say clients must follow.
Furthermore, they found inconsistencies in the data indicative of computer generated information.
The report found numerous inconsistencies in the paperwork and interviews about his case, including differing stories about when the family was first contacted.
Both studies found large inconsistencies in the way the dozens of corps district offices approved and monitored projects.
Several times he found inconsistencies, though none that appeared by themselves to be fatal to the prosecution's case.
But the police said yesterday that they had found "inconsistencies" in the woman's account of the abduction.
She'd found temporal inconsistencies that indicated Lucius had traveled from the future, on a quest to change the past.