European observers found numerous irregularities in the run up to the election and on election day.
The firm said it found several irregularities.
Three more installments followed, as the board found additional irregularities.
He found "fundamental irregularities" and "compromised" data in the plant's own safety tests.
They found several irregularities, focusing on the fact that Iraq always seemed to pay substantially higher prices for its purchases than anyone else.
"No one has ever found irregularities in any designs or software," Hettie said.
In early 2001, an auditing firm found irregularities in the way the institute's chief financial officer and comptroller had been keeping its books.
It was not an issue of the auditors having to do more tests because they found potential improprieties or irregularities.
Once again, this year we have found major irregularities.
He was forced to resign in 1987 after an investigation found an unauthorized $200,000 account and other financial irregularities that involved his wife.