He found her diary with the name of her appointment at the magazine, and he called the editor.
Harris's family found his diary with camp establishment details on Corey Lake.
He and the king had found and read Maudrayne's secret diary after her presumed death.
Hazel has found her father's diary, and she gives it to the Goodies.
When he got out he found Anne's diary and published it.
On 26 August, the police found Baker's diary in his office.
Eight months later, a search party found the tent, the bodies and Scott's diary.
It was then Annie realized she'd found Saya's diary.
My son found an adolescent girl's diary, an amazing sociological and cultural document, in front of a McDonald's.
Decades ago it had come upon Jesse, on the night she'd found Claudia's diary in a secret place in a broken wall.