She found her memory fleeing down the long stairway from her rooms toward the Electoral Chamber.
It seems to found my personal memory - in the sense that my past can remain present to me only within a broader field of presence having the dimensions of the world.
Since his blinding, he had found his memory growing more acute along with his hearing.
Unfortunately he found his memory on this point peculiarly unclear.
Looking back to Claudius, he found his memory adding brush strokes to form the portrait of an uncommonly attractive girl.
He found her memory for recent and remote events good, her mood and affect appropriate, her abstract thinking good.
It came to him then that Ish had found his memory.
The technicians found your best memory, my boy.
After accepting the assignment as Weapons Master to the ghola, Teg found his magical memory increasingly with him.
Again, Hali found her memory filled with the faces of the Hill of Skulls - passionate eyes and violence thinly restrained behind them.