Following this as my own protocol led to the dropping of two more cases when I found references to the suicide notes.
The word inscribed beneath the figure is the name of a leader so great that I have found references to him in a few sources.
I found references in the library computer to similar phenomena near the Bajoran wormhole.
So far, he hadn't found even veiled references to smuggling and stolen goods.
"I found references to that, too," Keff said, consulting a page of the first manual.
Because I went through my old journals and found references to you.
Scholars have found few political references in Baum's Oz books after 1902.
And then from the veterinary school at Davis they found several references to strange behavior in the feline.
In these, he found hidden patterns and references that were formerly overlooked by readers.
Jeremy found references to species gone extinct because they attracted human attention.