But when they gathered that morning, they found scores of police officers guarding entrances to the bridge.
We found scores of arrows that had been fired, but they obviously did no harm.
The coroner later found scores of wounds on each body.
Twenty more of the children found hopelessly asleep, and scores of others, gone to search the artifact, not reporting back.
Two-hour personality tests on the 320 top car sellers at 139 dealerships around the country found low scores for all these character traits.
Red Cross workers struggling through the crush and the carpet of broken glass found scores of injured.
More than two dozen women were arrested, including a 16-year-old, and investigators found scores of photographs revealing that many club members also worked in law enforcement.
They found scores of such companies and then disallowed them for tax purposes.
An underwater probe surveyed the aqueduct's interior last year and found scores of cracks.
Powers consistently found the waves and scores required to make it to the final, where he would meet Machado.