A little way beyond the boulders, around another sweep in the beach, he found several more survivors, both men and women.
The following morning, when the boats returned, they found just another 140 survivors, at least as many again having died during the night.
Rescuers have found 27 survivors and 8 bodies, few of them identified, and at least 95 people are missing.
When rescue teams arrived at about 23:00, they found only seven survivors, two of whom died shortly afterwards.
Police in Zanzibar said they had recovered 192 bodies, and found 606 survivors.
On Good Friday of 1688 a relief force returned and found twelve survivors.
And then found ten more survivors in the rafters of the town hall.
Along with the bodies of 19 victims, two of whom died later in the hospital, rescuers found 54 survivors.
But rescue workers found at least seven survivors, including a family of four who lived in New Jersey, and hoped to find more.
They found eight survivors, most beneath bodies of the dead.