"I found surprising similarities on both sides, as though they were there to play roles in a larger political debate."
He found "similarities" of Wendy's disappearance and other murder victims.
The investigators have found similarities in at least some of the fires.
The young actor said he was able to relate to his character's background and found similarities in their motivations.
Each found support and similarities in the other's work, citing each other often, though not without qualification.
He found similarities in the approaches of the two traditions to śamatha.
E. T. Salmon's 1967 book also found several other similarities between this battle and later events which he considered suspicious.
Investigators have found similarities in the bombs but declined to discuss forensic evidence today.
Many observers found similarities with Independence Day, which also came out in 1996.
Salmon(1967) also found several other similarities between the campaigns of 343 and later events which he considered to be doublets.