'Scratch' is the art of 'sampling' and repeating found images and sounds, thereby making a new work.
Here his found sounds, electronically treated, contrast the creaking of a door with what passes for a human sigh.
Their sound combines samples, old-fashioned synths, found sounds and electro-funk.
A bit older, he experimented with percussion, "found sounds" and tape-loops.
Yet anyone abandoning Jimmy Eat World would have found extremely similar sounds and views only steps away.
According to this view, music is what people call music, whether it is a period of silence, found sounds, or performance.
Curran's music often makes use of electronics and environmental found sounds.
The noise band features open improvisation using artist designed instruments and found sounds.
The album also contained numerous found sounds of 1970's East German spy transmissions and call signs.
Gilbert's collaborations with Lewis were experimental, featuring ambient music and found sounds.