He was often found entertaining other students in the school hall at lunchtime on the school's grand piano.
The fall of 1964 found the high school staff and students enjoying a new building on south 61st Street.
On the other hand, the survey found students taking increasingly conservative stands on matters related to crime and the death penalty.
The study also found that throughout the state white students used drugs more widely than Hispanic and black students.
A recent rainy day found teachers and students out in the school yard measuring earthworms.
An observation team from the state found students roaming the halls unchecked during classes and few teachers with experience.
"We found students who felt that the major problem was getting caught," she wrote.
He found students in math classes listening to rap on Walkmans.
The late 1960s and early 1970s found Black students at Harvard to be few in number, and as such alienated from much of that institution.
"We have found students attending our schools who were not even residents of New Jersey," he said.