When the Democrats joined with three other parties to found the Alliance, Wright was active in building up the new organisation.
Among Rev. Leavitt's earliest moves in his new ministry was helping found the Women's Alliance.
Jammeh founded the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction as his political party.
She founded the Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers in 1979, and is the author of numerous books on homeschooling.
Abram founded the Alliance for Wild Ethics with several colleagues in 2006.
However he was suspended by Bemba and founded the Alliance for the Renewal of Congo.
In 2004, she founded the Alliance for the Lost Boys of Sudan.
On January 28, 1933 this committee founded the Alliance for National Reconstruction.
In 1990, he founded the Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing at Stanford.
Matt Daniels, a lawyer who founded the Alliance for Marriage and who is another drafter of the amendment, said the semantic debate was beside the point.