In retrospect, Nova found the album to be far too polished and not entirely to her liking.
A critic found the album to be better and more accessible than the bands's previous efforts.
Most music critics found the album musically lacking from Tarkan's previous albums, though not all.
They found the album, while it had "pretty good" vocals, to have overall poor sound quality and a clichéd musical style.
I found the album for a $1 on 8-track and bought it.
Milian found the album to be "so much more real and urban and street" than her previous albums.
Critics typically found the album bold, daring, and ambitious, but opinions became strongly divided beyond that.
Fans found the album jarring, although they were pleased that the band was touring again, and the band's shows always included their earlier material.
But her hand found the album before the man's reached it.
Axl Rose, the lead singer, said his brother found the album and played it during a game of musical trivia.