It also found the fact that computers without an operating system are available on the market to be irrelevant.
I have not found the fact to be so; far from it; and yet those visions have comforted me under circumstances of trial.
Unfortunately, those who know me best, business friends for example, have found the fact that I was both ignorant and innocent hard to accept.
I found the combination and the fact that she was my wife unbearably erotic.
He said he found compelling the fact that "almost every good-government group has come out against this."
I found the fact that he made that record much more affecting than, say,Highway 67 Revisited.
Knowing the depth of his disorder, she found the fact that it could be so easily camouflaged disturbing.
Some Christians found this remark, as well as the fact that the musical did not show the resurrection, to be blasphemous.
Many unemployed people found the fact that they were expected to do nothing when unemployed or risk losing benefit 'extremely difficult'.
She found the fact that the stolen money was stored in a septic tank rather unsubtle.