She flicked through the book and found the painting again.
In 2003, Elizabeth Gibson found the painting in the trash on a New York City curb.
When Abovian's son Vardan returned to the Caucasus, he found the painting in a badly deteriorated condition.
If I found the painting I was to give it right back to him immediately.
Dr. Saturno found the first painting when he ducked into a trench for shade and saw the face of a maize god on the north wall.
I drew in my breath and put my hands over my face, and then when I uncovered my eyes I found the painting there again.
But it was only in November that the family found the painting in the Boston exhibition.
"What if one of them had found the painting?"
In the 1950's she found the painting in the house in Marblehead where the artist had lived and painted until his death in 1928.
"It's more interesting to look at that way," said Mr. Guerrette, who found the discarded painting on a street in Chelsea.