When you think you have found the right property, compare the price with other similar properties in the area.
Thomas Carter had found the property 'through a friend', and there were some mutterings of discontent about his choice.
The couple, who live in Milton, Mass., full time, found the property through a buyer's broker, and bought it in the "high $300,000 range," she said.
Sally, my wife, found the property on the Internet and called the Realtor and the Realtor said, "You'll hate it."
He had found the property in the Field Magazine but he never paid the Bournes a penny of rental.
In June the commission found the property not worthy of landmark status and denied the application in a vote that followed a hearing attended by more than 200 residents.
He found the property at 1915 Moonlight Road in Surry County to establish a place to house and train the pit bulls, authorities said.
They found the property through Atanas Realty in Williston Park.
Likewise the young man that found the property.
She found the property online.