Last summer we found a 35-million-year-old turtle," he said, "and the skull of an oreodont.
They found the skull of a Neanderthal, or early human, as well as tools from about 30,000 years ago.
'Ardent was shocked and frightened when the captain found the skull, sir,' she said.
Then the family found the skull, which showed a crack in a temple.
She managed to get nearly all the gloop out of the barrel and found the skull in the pile she'd taken out.
One of the Chinese laborers found the first skull.
He told me he thought you've found the other skull.
Paleontologists digging in Ethiopia found the skull of a large male in more than 200 fragments.
Inside a purpose built coffin Brian found the ancient skull of a horse.
Her brother found the skull, and she found the rest of the skeleton, in about 1810.