After its independence, the people of this town started digging and found the temple in a dilapidated condition.
Callisthenes said that it was named after the ancient king Adrastus, who had founded the first temple there.
They had found the temple of Apollo.
"You were the One chosen to found the new temple."
Today, many members of the current congregation are descendants of the men who founded the temple over 125 years ago.
Much of the Ventarrón site had been looted in 1990 and 1992, but the thieves had not found the temple.
They had found the temple as well as the support structures that housed and protected the anchor point for the Conduit on this world.
There would be time for such touring, he knew--after he had found the temple of his god.
The swami, who founded the temple more than 30 years ago and made his home there, was 71.
Here is found the temple of Quetzalcoatl, from the Toltec culture.