Tempo was founded in 2003, with headquarters located in Belgrade, Serbia.
Radiometer is a company founded in 1935 with headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The company was founded on 27 September 2003 with headquarters in Taizhou, Zhejiang.
The industrial firm Auergesellschaft was founded in 1892 with headquarters in Berlin.
Started in 1973, the chain was founded in Fayetteville, with headquarters located in Raleigh.
The company was founded in 1991 with headquarters located in Hillsborough, NC.
Docudesk is a software company founded in 2001 with headquarters in Plano, Texas.
Kantega is a Norwegian software corporation founded in 2003 with headquarters in Oslo.
Founded in 1989 with headquarters outside Chicago, Peapod is the oldest of the group.
Zadara Storage is a computer software company founded in 2011, with headquarters in Irvine, California.