He founded the Arkansas State Press newspaper with his wife in 1941.
He founded the Queens Symphony five years later with his wife, Jeanne, who served as executive director of the ensemble until her death in 1969.
Mr. Levine ran the business he founded with his wife, Beth, in 1948, two years after their marriage, and left the designing to her.
He founded the Richel Family Foundation with his wife Andrea.
Pastor Gary Skinner founded the church with his wife, Marylin.
The drama school that he founded with his wife, Angéla Hevesi, remains famous to this day.
He founded the company with, yes, his wife, Francine Sussner Rodgers.
There he founded with his wife, the Lobo-Prabhakar research group and stayed for the remaining of his scientific career.
Friedman founded the business in 1993 with his wife, his brother and one truck.
Æthelred became a monk at Bardney, a monastery which he had founded with his wife, and was buried there.