In a 1987 study, the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, identified 30 tax-exempt foundations affiliated with elected officials or aspirants to Federal office.
Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law is a foundation affiliated to the Law Faculty at Stockholm University.
The Thomas-Dehler-Stiftung, a foundation affiliated with the Bavarian FDP, is also named in his honour.
A foundation affiliated with the powerful Ministry of International Trade and Industry also has a committee to look at ki.
The mother then contributed her nonvoting shares to a supporting foundation affiliated with the university, which will receive the income from those shares.
The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, a foundation affiliated with the Democratic Party in this country, expects to receive $260,000 from the endowment.
The patent on the human embryonic stem cell is held by a foundation affiliated with the University of Wisconsin, which is providing cells to researchers elsewhere.
In addition, a foundation affiliated with the Ministry of Education recently sponsored a nationwide essay contest whose topic was "Che Guevara, Example for Youth."
She also earned $36,227 from a foundation affiliated with the college and $21,116 in a one-time payment from the City University of New York, where she worked earlier.
An investor education program is being offered in Spanish by a foundation affiliated with the Investment Company Institute, which represents the mutual fund industry.