She likes her employers on Roosevelt Island, a college economics professor and a foundation executive.
Until recently, foundation executives said, it was heresy to mention the word cure in the same sentence as diabetes.
First, government officials and foundation executives have to agree on what the actual costs are likely to be.
So he decided to do something about it, in just the way you'd imagine a foundation executive would.
In a rich and active career that spanned more than half a century, he was also a teacher, foundation executive and author.
City officials and foundation executives say the community groups are likely to provide solid, long-term management.
She was also, however, the wife of a well-connected partner in a Manhattan law firm and did not simply take the "no" of foundation executives.
Mr. Willis, a foundation executive, whispered to his wife, a retired nurse, that he was not going to touch any fish.
But as many as half of America's 16,000 public libraries may eventually receive assistance, foundation executives say.
Professional foundation executives have a jaded view of providing general support.