The town has thus become, in Kardov's words, "the embodiment of a pure Croatian identity", and the battle "the foundational myth of the Croatian state".
It is more on the order of a foundational myth, like the divine right of kings, a fiction that everyone involved must accept as fact.
It also examines pre-Islamic religious life in Inner Asia, the use of narratives as foundational myths, and the role of Islam and conversion in identity formation.
More important, they acknowledge the effect of Near Eastern semitic cultures, which gave Greece its alphabet and many of its foundational myths.
Kelly's book identifies the initiation of Gardner as "the foundational myth" of Modern Witchcraft.
He became a hero in East Germany posthumously when propagandists elevated the antifascist resistance in Buchenwald to the level of a foundational myth of the DDR.
This so-called tradition of Gothicismus aimed to provide a foundational myth for the people.
He's declared war on a foundational national myth.
The foundational myths of the new Algeria are revisited, but will they succeed in getting to the bottom of their own legends?