Reflecting its foundational role in Tibetan culture, "Tsampa" is also the name of a Tibetan typeface.
Measure spaces and probability spaces play a foundational role in measure theory and probability theory respectively.
It therefore has a foundational role in syntax.
The body shifted easily in the eighteenth century from its supposedly foundational role to become not the cause but the sign of gender.
Beyond its foundational role, set theory is a branch of mathematics in its own right, with an active research community.
Arnau is sometimes praised as the "El Cid of the Lands of Lleida" for his foundational role in reestablishing Christian rule in the region to the south of Urgell.
They believed that the foundational roles of apostle and prophet had been lost after the time of the first apostles due to the Dark Ages.
Eberhard also issued a statement about Musk's foundational role in the company: "As a co-founder of the company, Elon's contributions to Tesla have been extraordinary."
Finally, besides working on geometry and being influenced by its methods, Hobbes gives it, as the science of simple motions, a foundational role in the explanatory system of his Elements.
These interactions are consistent with the 'foundational role' postulated for the PRC-H protein in the assembly of the reaction center [ 33].