Today there are two Jesuit volunteer corps organizations in the U.S., united by a shared history and foundational values.
The award citation describes Krishnamurthi as "a prolific researcher who brings programming language theory to bear in many other disciplines, thus exposing its foundational value".
The rights involved were very important, implicating the foundational values of the Constitution.
Truth, honor, freedom and the foundational democratic values that we promote to the rest of the world are the targeted victims in our own country.
Bishop Swenson describes her foundational values as diversity, team/partnership, and justice.
Both continue to collaborate, united in shared foundational values.
The cartoon protests, he said, show that German society must reach a consensus on its "foundational values and a minimal standard of value orientation."
Section 34, therefore, not only reflected the foundational values that underlie the constitutional order, but also constituted public policy.
It demonstrates Paine's commitment to foundational liberal values of individual freedom and moral equality.
When the German Basic Law of 1949 declares human dignity to be the foundational value of the constitution, the implications run through all relationships that may come into being.