Among his foundational works is the 'House on a Hill' a work that announces a new era in Chilean architecture.
The timeliness of Thalheim's contributions of theoretical and foundational works reach far beyond the time of their convincing.
However, before the more definitive foundational works on mineralogy in the 16th century, the ancients recognized no more than roughly 350 minerals to list and describe.
His book Holiness Through Faith (1870) is one of the foundational works of the Holiness movement.
As a result, virtually all early foundational works pseudepigraphically claim, or are ascribed, ancient authorship.
Wolters wrote one of the foundational works introducing Vollenhoven's method to English-speaking readers.
On the relationship between his three foundational works of 1967, Derrida explained: " Speech and Phenomena is perhaps the essay which I like most.
These are the basis of the defenses and usually comes from the rubble of the foundational works in the interior.
As the first scholarly monograph devoted to a single camp it became one of the foundational works of Holocaust Studies.
Many of those became important foundational works in epidemiology, classification and treatment of the diabetic foot.