Education Leaders Council is a non-profit, conservative education reform organization founded by a number of state school officials in 1995.
There was now also Q102, a station founded by a number of former Radio Nova staff.
Formerly known as Ferrymead Historic Park, it was founded in the mid-1960s by a number of groups, local government bodies and other interested parties.
Jeeves was founded in the beginning of the 1990s by a number of Swedish entrepreneurs.
Prism Rail was founded by a number of individuals from the bus industry.
Brickworks was founded by a number of Sydney brick manufacturers in 1934 in response to the Great Depression.
The Institute was founded in 1954, four years after the death of economist Walter Eucken, by a number of his friends and pupils.
Brookwood was founded by a number of socialist and pacifist labor activists.
In some species, nests are founded by a small number of reproductive females, possibly a single one.
In the other group, called "swarm-founding", the nest is founded by a large number of workers and a few queens.