A jailor course was also founded to teach jailors to deal with prisoners.
They soon learn that Todo is no ordinary high school, but rather a school that was founded to teach and integrate different fighting styles.
The FHA was founded in 1945 to teach teen-age girls how to keep house for their husbands-to-be.
A school was founded at the monastery in 1609 to teach rhetoric, theology as well as arts and letters.
Government schools were founded to teach the script.
The inmates were participating in a program founded by a group of Quakers in 1975 to teach prisoners how to live more peacefully.
The college had been founded to teach military and agricultural knowledge, and Ross had demonstrated excellence in the army and as a farmer.
The Bulova School was founded in 1945 to teach watchmaking to disabled veterans, and then to the able-bodied as well.
In the series, the university is founded to teach cartoon characters how to become funny.
In response, the Diwan schools were founded in 1977 to teach Breton by immersion.