In 1908, the school's founders acquired 14 acres in the village of Olivet, and moved the grammar school to the proposed campus.
The founders moved to Brazil and launched the company in October 2011 with 10 employees.
It continued to run until 1963, when its founder moved to Egypt.
The founders originally resided in the agricultural experimental government station near Acre, and moved to the permanent location in 1950.
The company's founder, George Mecherle, moved into an office on the Downtown Buidling's eighth floor in 1940.
But as the founders of these stations grew older and moved on, there was no one to take up where they left off.
Fearing government harassment, the group's founder and leader, Li Hongzhi, moved to the United States last year.
Why did the city's founders move to an inland desert?
Its founders shook and moved the borough.
Shortly after establishing the company, its founders moved headquarters to Taipei.