Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A founding mother of the women's movement getting black eyes from her husband?
It has been going for 35 years, with several founding members still playing.
He was a founding father of this field in China.
The founding act of the town was signed on May 15, 1902.
He is one of the founding figures in his field.
Later, after two founding members left, they became a brother/sister act.
It was established on May 16, 1995 with 12 founding members.
He is active in his church community, and was the president of its founding committee.
She was voted the founding president of the new organization.
Various evidence places the founding date between 1240 and 1245.
When Brown created a medical school, he was a founding faculty member.
The founding act of the settlement took place on September 21, 1843.
The founding conference was carried out on 15 April 2005.
The three remaining founding members decided to carry on without him.
These, like many other works from the founding period, still stand, and remain widely used.
It was in this period that the last founding member left the band.
He was a founding board member of the combined organization until 2012.
No member of the founding executive, however, was ever brought to trial by the British government.
A founding meeting was held on 7 July 1967 with fifteen people present.
Each founding investor was limited to a 2 percent share.
Presently only the two founding members are in the band.
Those two countries are the base for several founding investors and leaders in the bank.
It was one of the two founding colleges, built when the university first opened in 1964.
He is, in a sense, the "founding father" of the modern band department at the University.
This team is recognized as the "founding side" of the present day club.