The advertising rate for a four-color page is currently $6,340.
For instance, beginning in May, a four-color page will cost $49,500, instead of $76,605 now.
The advertising cost per thousand for a four-color page is $16.
Cost of a four-color page is $3,685, and generally there are about 25 pages of advertising in the magazine's 64-page issues.
A single four-color page is going for $6,500, while $5,200 will buy a black-and-white.
A four-color page, for instance, will increase to $18,230 from $13,400.
We've increased the package size and added more four-color pages.
A four-color page is going for $11,750 and a black and white for $9,400.
A four-color page with no bleed charge is going for $49,500.
The goal of the magazine is to run advertising in half its pages at $34,490 a four-color page.