In May 1970, as many as 4,000 students staged a four-day battle against the police and National Guard troops.
After a fierce four-day battle, the Austro-Hungarians were forced to retreat, marking the first Allied victory of the war.
The Interior Ministry said 170 Russian soldiers had died in the four-day battle, 276 were injured and 40 were missing.
Novorossisk fell on 10 September 1942, after a bitter four-day battle.
After a four-day battle, the city was retaken by the Syrian Army.
An ambush from the cover of surrounding hills turned into a four-day battle and siege.
The Brazilian division fought a tough four-day battle for Montese, which was taken on 16 April 1945.
Imperial troops conquered back the area in a four-day battle, so the Brigittasage - note also the history of Brigittakapelle.
The four-day battle was noted for the valour shown by Bhima.
After a costly four-day battle, in which neither side gained a clear advantage, both sides claimed victory.