The couple arrived at a military base outside Seoul for the start of their four-day tour in the 'land of the morning calm'.
The princess was in sparkling form on the third day of their four-day tour.
The basic four-day, three-night tour goes for a little over $700, depending on when you book your vacation.
A group of 11 travel agents from Egypt took a similar four-day tour last month.
See for yourself on a four-day independent tour highlighting this scenic region.
Each Spring the group takes a four-day tour.
For the energetic traveler, a four-day tour can provide an adequate view of the region.
But a four-day tour through Kurdish provinces of the southeast indicated that the opposite may be true.
Traveling by rail and coach, this comprehensive four-day tour shows you the very best of Ireland.
A four-day tour, including Normandy, is $722 a person, double occupancy.