He represented himself during the course of his four-day trial.
The agent, a short man with closely cropped hair, sat undisguised in open court during the four-day trial.
The beauty of a four-day trial is that the important testimony is still fresh.
Seven other officers implicated in the affair were jailed for up to 42 months at the end of the four-day trial.
At the close of his four-day trial the prophet declared: "It is not my wish that evil should come to the two races.
Nine women's teams, who qualified by performance in national events, will compete in a four-day trial, with the top two to go to Yokohama.
On 13 July, after a four-day trial, Terry was acquitted.
The ruling, after a four-day civil trial, came on narrow legal grounds.
After a four-day trial from which the public and the media were largely excluded, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
After a four-day trial, he was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison on June 8.