Take you menagereie of four-footed friends to every available door of the marked location and get them all as far inside as possible.
The next day, however, it's raining: really hard, too, turning Piru Creek into a bubbling brown cauldron, and making the trails too slippery even for our sure-footed, four-footed friends.
Not a moment too soon, this motley crew (with Mowgli's four-footed friends racing to the rescue) convenes at the Bandars' fortress ruins.
Only Jake's four-footed friend was unimpressed.
"If I catch our friend's gist, he means to make use of our four-footed friend to tip the scales in our favor on the trade."
But when it comes to making a living, Ms. McCleery prefers to lean on those four-footed friends in the early stages of rigor mortis.
I said a few conciliatory words to our four-footed friend and it seemed to work for he kept his horns to himself.
Now the lad, all suddenly, saw his four-footed friend in a new light.
In this hospital we treat human beings, not our four-footed friends: I would hope that an officer would set a better example.
It's animals crackers this week, too, as news filters through of yet more groups doing silly things in connection with our four-footed and finned friends.